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Chloe Hope

July 2021 Winner: Teacher's Pet

An illustration of a pet fish.

The bell rings, sun stretching high above the playground; the kids aren’t just excited, they’re ecstatic. The end of the school year – eight weeks of holidays to Majorca and sand-buckets and vanilla ice-cream stained mouths. Eight weeks of no school.

Their excitement is contagious, I must admit. But then it hits me again, what happened last year, who, exactly I had replaced. The kids love me, I assure myself, they wouldn’t - but they do. They leave. Chairs get tucked in, lights turn off, and, like last year, the teacher, too, forgets.

I watch from inside my tank, and wait for death.


This work remains the property of the author and no reproduction of it may take place without the expressed written permission of the author. If you wish to contact the author please contact Tortive Lit.

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